22 Major Arcana

This image represents the personality traits, symbolism, and love aspects of the Hermit card

Meaning of Card number 9- The Hermit

The Hermit represents spending Spending time alone in various forms, whether it’s solitude, isolation, or self-healing, involves choosing to be alone intentionally, free from external distractions. It’s a time to reflect on the world around you and to cope with pain or suffering. This period allows for self-examination, learning, and accepting reality. However, this loneliness…

Meaning of Card number 8 – Strength

Meaning of Card number 8 – Strength

The Strength card represents a woman not only possesses strength and endurance to overcome obstacles and challenges with ease, but she also has the ability to manage situations and challenges with great efficiency. Her ability to manage things well means that she can organize, plan, and make decisions carefully, whether it involves work, family, or…